No one man is going to save us
But that one man, together with all of us who love America, might
I had to post this message because anyone who isn’t thinking about or understanding what has become of America during the last 4 years and what will become of this country if nothing changes needs to start right now!
There isn’t one domestic area where normal citizens, not including the radical 1% who certainly aren’t normal, are better off than they were in January 2020. Nationally and internationally the current administration composed of people who hate America has made a laughing-stock of this once great country. America is reviled for our war-mongering and meddling in the business of foreign nations. We are bankrupt financially and morally. We are being invaded by a foreign army and standing idly by while it happens. The country is off the rails and we need to do anything and everything we possibly can to get the wheels back on track, find our moral bearings and earn back the prestige we once enjoyed.
The last 8 years has convinced me that Donald Trump just may be the most honest business man ever, and up there with George Washington’s level of honesty. His entire business and personal life has been scrutinized more thoroughly than a proctology exam and the dirt isn’t there, unless it’s fabricated or relative minor stuff magnified to the point it’s big enough to see from the moon. Kangaroo courts are in session attempting to prevent him from winning the presidency. Why? The reasons are legion but mostly because every one in the deep state and this administration are terrified their own illegalities and dirty work will be laid bare if he takes back the White House. Especially the O’Xibens and those pulling the puppet strings.
.Ok. I’m not a Magamaniac. There may be another more nefarious reason DJT is beating the odds (so far anyway) which may be that he’s one of the players in the whole scheme of an on-going One World Order take-over. If he isn’t assassinated before he can take the oath of office or shortly thereafter, then I hate to think it, but that may be the reason why.
Do we have a country worth saving? Can it be saved? Or will America the once beautiful join all the other empires that have disintegrated over time?
As bad as the divisions and societal breakdown and moral dissolution seems to be in the USA for an observer on the other side of the Atlantic, things are even worse in Europe and the UK as far as I can see. I believe that as long as your First Amendment remains, the USA can still emerge from this - however it ends - as the exemplar of true representative democracy in its pure sense : "people power".
The rest of us in the former democracies are relying on it !
My parents were immigrants from Europe post WW2. They knew that this country held a promise of freedom and prosperity for those who worked to maintain those two ideals. That’s the crux of the matter. Freedom is not guaranteed for those who take it for granted, and neither is prosperity. This country is worth fighting for. Yes, indeed!